Monday, February 25, 2013

Lake Shasta

Lake Shasta is by far my favorite lake to go to in the summer. The lake is up in Shasta County near Redding, California. The lake got its name because of Mt. Shasta, which is the lakes neighbor and no matter where you are at on the lake you can see it. Lake Shasta is popular for camping, boating, house boating, water skiing, tubing, and swimming. The water is clean because of the snow run off, and great to swim in when the weather is hot out. You can rent a house boat for as long as you want, to just enjoy the lake, the view, and the sun. This lake is worth visiting.


  1. i love shasta!!!! i recently moved back to the bay area after living in redding for the last four years. shasta is my absolute favorite place to camp fish boat hike whatever! the lake is definitly worth visiting and that heat! o my! average is over 100 degrees. but the water makes up for it. shasta can hit 70 degrees at its peak. thats warm water! if you get out there head up the far left finger. there are some killer waterfalls and some different fruit trees scattered along the top end of it as well as a supoer cool secluded beach for camping! look forward to reading more!

  2. I really know nothing about lakes lol so i think viewing and reading your blog with help my knowledge on different lakes you will be posting about! This is very help full information. I cant wait to see what else you will be talking about in the future. Thanks for the information.

  3. Ya the water is super nice. If you go far into a cove the water is so clear you can see the bottom, but its pretty hard to get back there in a ski boat. We had to turn off the motor and paddle back there trying not to hit rocks. But it was all worth is.
    I love the water and go every chance i get.
