Thursday, February 14, 2013

About the blog


            My name is Kayla, and for my English class I have to start blogging. Coming up with a blog topic is one of the hardest things that I have had to do, because it has to be on something people enjoy. So a couple of my favorite things to do are to go to the beach and the lake. Now I live in California, so we have many beautiful beaches and lakes. The blog that I am starting are on all the best beaches and lakes in California, and the ones I have been to that aren’t so great and the reasons why. So the people, who have never been to either California or to any of the beaches I will list as the best, will now have to check them out.


  1. Hi Kayla!
    I think your idea of blogging about beaches and lakes in California is great. I’m really interested in reading what you have to say and finding out about new places to go.

  2. Hello Kayla,
    I think that your idea for a blog is great. I honestly don't know the best beaches and lakes in California, so this blog will be most informative for me personally. I like your layout of the blog. Current posts come first, so as to stay updated with new content. Your organization is good, and you are staying on topic. I can't see any weaknesses. Keep up the good work!
